Wednesday, December 14, 2011

X-Stitch Hat

By Seven Ravens

Finished Size:  Adult.

Materials:   2 oz worsted weight yarn.

Crochet Hook:  6.5 mm [USA K-10 1/2]

Gauge:  14 sts = 5"; 6 rows = 3" in pattern.
Check your gauge.  Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.


Leaving a 16" tail to begin work, Ch 15.

Row 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; turn -- 14 sc.
Row 2:  Ch 3, skip first sc; *skip next sc, dc in next sc, working behind dc just made, dc in skipped sc -- X-Stitch made; repeat from * to last sc; dc in last sc; turn -- 6 crossed dc.
Row 3:  Ch 1, sc in each dc across and in top of ch-3; turn -- 14 sc.
Rows 4-40:  Repeat Rows 2 and 3 (end Row 2). Do not fasten off.  Sew beginning ch edge to dc of Row 40 for back seam.  Now work top as follows:

Rnd 1:  With wrong side facing, ch 1, [2 sc in end of dc row, sc in end of sc row] 20 times; join with a slip st in first sc --60 sc.
Rnd 2:  Ch 1, *sc in sc, ch 1, skip next sc; repeat from * around; join.
Rnd 3:  Ch 1, *sc in each sc and ch-1 space around, join.
Rnd 4:  Ch 1, * sc in 4 sc; draw up a loop in next 2 sc, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook -- dec made; repeat from * around; join -- 50 sc.
Rnds 5 and 6:  Repeat rnds 2 and 3.
Rnd 7:  Ch 1, [sc in 3 sc, dec] 10 times; join -- 40 sc.
Rnds 8 and 9:  Repeat rnds 2 and 3.
Rnd 10:  Ch 1, [sc in 2 sc, dec] 10 times; join -- 30 sc.
Rnds 11 and 12:  Repeat rnds 2 and 3.
Rnd 13:  Ch 1, [sc in 1 sc, dec] 10 times; join -- 20 sc.  Fasten off, leaving a 12 tail.  Weave tail over and under sts of last rnd; draw up tightly and fasten securely.  Weave ends in.

1 comment:

  1. Ah crap...

    I'm gonna have to get all banged up and into traction to ever try something like that again...

    My physical therapist made me knit and even (gasp!) crochet... But don't tell anyone. It's a secret!

    I even made a cool sweater, so cool in fact someone stole it...

    (Found out years later that my brothers had taken it out in the yard and burned it while I was at work, they despised it so much...)

    But this cap of yours! It would make a swell kippah! Would that I still did "stuff" like that!

